To give announcement in the system, it is foremost needed to be registered. After registration, authorized on a site and you will be able to see reference to "Give announcement" ("Подати оголошення").
Press on this reference and fill a form for the serve of announcement.
REMARK: if necessary you Heading does not exist, in the field "Heading" specify any character and necessary Heading it will be created an administrator.
FORBIDDEN: to offer intimate services, offer goods and services forbidden a legislation, and also those that dissatisfy Morally - Ethics norms.
Before a publication announcement is given by you checked up administration, and if it is all right, it it will be published for a day long from the moment of filing of an application. All of announcements will take a place on a site during 30 days from the moment of publication. (If needed - specify other term in handles).
In the text of report utillize not more than 250 characters.
Not forget to specify the co-ordinates (telephones and your region).
Use a mini-chat for rapid intercourse and placing of rapid announcements.
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